2023-04-12 16:12:22: WARNING[Main]: system-wide share not found at "/usr/local/share/minetest" 2023-04-12 16:12:22: WARNING[Main]: system-wide share not found at "$HOME/tmp/minetest/bin/../share/minetest" 2023-04-12 16:12:22: WARNING[Main]: system-wide share found at "$HOME/tmp/minetest/bin/.." $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' ======== Testing module TestActiveObject [PASS] testAOAttributes - 0ms ======== Module TestActiveObject passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestAddress [PASS] testIsLocalhost - 0ms ======== Module TestAddress passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestAreaStore [PASS] testVectorStore - 0ms [PASS] testSerialization - 1ms ======== Module TestAreaStore passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestAuthDatabase -------- Files database (same object) [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 0ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testChangePrivileges - 4ms [PASS] testRecallChangedPrivileges - 0ms [PASS] testListNames - 0ms [PASS] testDelete - 0ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- Files database (new objects) [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 1ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testChangePrivileges - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChangedPrivileges - 0ms [PASS] testListNames - 0ms [PASS] testDelete - 0ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- SQLite3 database (same object) [PASS] testRecallFail - 5ms [PASS] testCreate - 2ms [PASS] testRecall - 0ms [PASS] testChange - 1ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testChangePrivileges - 1ms [PASS] testRecallChangedPrivileges - 1ms [PASS] testListNames - 1ms [PASS] testDelete - 1ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- SQLite3 database (new objects) [PASS] testRecallFail - 5ms [PASS] testCreate - 2ms [PASS] testRecall - 1ms [PASS] testChange - 2ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 1ms [PASS] testChangePrivileges - 1ms [PASS] testRecallChangedPrivileges - 1ms [PASS] testListNames - 1ms [PASS] testDelete - 7ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 1ms ======== Module TestAuthDatabase passed (0 failures / 40 tests) - 39ms ======== Testing module TestBan $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' [PASS] testCreate - 1ms [PASS] testAdd - 0ms [PASS] testRemove - 0ms [PASS] testModificationFlag - 0ms [PASS] testGetBanName - 0ms [PASS] testGetBanDescription - 0ms ======== Module TestBan passed (0 failures / 6 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestClientActiveObjectMgr [PASS] testFreeID - 0ms [PASS] testRegisterObject - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveObject - 0ms ======== Module TestClientActiveObjectMgr passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestCollision [PASS] testAxisAlignedCollision - 1ms ======== Module TestCollision passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestCompression [PASS] testRLECompression - 0ms [PASS] testZlibCompression - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9420 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] testZlibLargeData - 1ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 9420 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:32: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 2147472277 + 12345 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] testZstdLargeData - 5ms [PASS] testZlibLimit - 2ms ======== Module TestCompression passed (0 failures / 5 tests) - 8ms ======== Testing module TestConnection [PASS] testNetworkPacketSerialize - 0ms [PASS] testHelpers - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/network/networkpacket.cpp:556:8: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/network/networkpacket.cpp:66:8: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 1, which is declared to never be null $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:310:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:310:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:310:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:310:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' [PASS] testConnectSendReceive - 1411ms ======== Module TestConnection passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 1411ms ======== Testing module TestEventManager [PASS] testRegister - 0ms [PASS] testDeregister - 0ms [PASS] testRealEvent - 0ms [PASS] testRealEventAfterDereg - 0ms ======== Module TestEventManager passed (0 failures / 4 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestFilePath [PASS] testIsDirDelimiter - 0ms [PASS] testPathStartsWith - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveLastPathComponent - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveLastPathComponentWithTrailingDelimiter - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveRelativePathComponent - 0ms ======== Module TestFilePath passed (0 failures / 5 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestGameUI [PASS] testInit - 0ms [PASS] testFlagSetters - 0ms [PASS] testInfoText - 0ms [PASS] testStatusText - 0ms ======== Module TestGameUI passed (0 failures / 4 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestGettext [PASS] testFmtgettext - 0ms ======== Module TestGettext passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestInventory [PASS] testSerializeDeserialize - 1ms ======== Module TestInventory passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestIrrPtr [PASS] testRefCounting - 0ms [PASS] testSelfAssignment - 0ms [PASS] testNullHandling - 0ms ======== Module TestIrrPtr passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestKeycode [PASS] testCreateFromString - 0ms [PASS] testCreateFromSKeyInput - 0ms 2023-04-12 16:12:24: WARNING[Main]: KeyPress: Unknown key 'KEY_NUMPAD_5', falling back to first char. [PASS] testCompare - 0ms ======== Module TestKeycode passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestLua [PASS] testLuaDestructors - 0ms [PASS] testCxxExceptions - 0ms ======== Module TestLua passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestMap [PASS] testMaxMapgenLimit - 0ms [PASS] testForEachNodeInArea - 4ms [PASS] testForEachNodeInAreaBlank - 0ms [PASS] testForEachNodeInAreaEmpty - 0ms ======== Module TestMap passed (0 failures / 4 tests) - 4ms ======== Testing module TestMapSettingsManager [PASS] testMapSettingsManager - 1ms [PASS] testMapMetaSaveLoad - 2ms [PASS] testMapMetaFailures - 0ms ======== Module TestMapSettingsManager passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 3ms ======== Testing module TestMapNode [PASS] testNodeProperties - 0ms ======== Module TestMapNode passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestModChannels [PASS] testJoinChannel - 0ms [PASS] testLeaveChannel - 0ms [PASS] testSendMessageToChannel - 0ms ======== Module TestModChannels passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestModStorageDatabase -------- Dummy database (same object only) [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 0ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testListMods - 0ms [PASS] testRemove - 0ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- Files database (same object) [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 0ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testListMods - 0ms [PASS] testRemove - 0ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- Files database (new objects) [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 0ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testListMods - 0ms [PASS] testRemove - 0ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- SQLite3 database (same object) [PASS] testRecallFail - 4ms [PASS] testCreate - 1ms [PASS] testRecall - 1ms [PASS] testChange - 1ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 0ms [PASS] testListMods - 3ms [PASS] testRemove - 2ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 0ms -------- SQLite3 database (new objects) [PASS] testRecallFail - 2ms [PASS] testCreate - 0ms [PASS] testRecall - 2ms [PASS] testChange - 0ms [PASS] testRecallChanged - 2ms [PASS] testListMods - 0ms [PASS] testRemove - 2ms [PASS] testRecallFail - 2ms ======== Module TestModStorageDatabase passed (0 failures / 40 tests) - 28ms ======== Testing module TestMoveAction $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/nodedef.h:300:8: runtime error: load of value 118, which is not a valid value for type 'bool' [PASS] testMove - 0ms [PASS] testMoveSomewhere - 0ms [PASS] testMoveUnallowed - 0ms [PASS] testMovePartial - 0ms [PASS] testSwap - 0ms [PASS] testSwapFromUnallowed - 0ms [PASS] testSwapToUnallowed - 1ms 2023-04-12 16:12:24: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down ======== Module TestMoveAction passed (0 failures / 7 tests) - 503ms ======== Testing module TestNodeDef [PASS] testContentFeaturesSerialization - 0ms ======== Module TestNodeDef passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestNodeResolver [PASS] testNodeResolving - 0ms [PASS] testPendingResolveCancellation - 0ms ======== Module TestNodeResolver passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestNoise [PASS] testNoise2dAtOriginWithZeroSeed - 0ms [PASS] testNoise2dWithMaxSeed - 0ms [PASS] testNoise2dWithFunPrimes - 0ms [PASS] testNoise2dPoint - 0ms [PASS] testNoise2dBulk - 0ms [PASS] testNoise3dAtOriginWithZeroSeed - 0ms [PASS] testNoise3dWithMaxSeed - 0ms [PASS] testNoise3dWithFunPrimes - 0ms [PASS] testNoise3dPoint - 0ms [PASS] testNoise3dBulk - 1ms [PASS] testNoiseInvalidParams - 0ms ======== Module TestNoise passed (0 failures / 11 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestObjDef [PASS] testHandles - 0ms [PASS] testAddGetSetClear - 0ms [PASS] testClone - 0ms ======== Module TestObjDef passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestProfiler [PASS] testProfilerAverage - 0ms ======== Module TestProfiler passed (0 failures / 1 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestRandom $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 814538 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] testPseudoRandom - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 1681308744 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 1079790305 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/noise.h:59:19: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -1860001786 * 1103515245 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] testPseudoRandomRange - 1ms [PASS] testPcgRandom - 0ms [PASS] testPcgRandomRange - 0ms [PASS] testPcgRandomBytes - 0ms [PASS] testPcgRandomNormalDist - 8ms ======== Module TestRandom passed (0 failures / 6 tests) - 9ms ======== Testing module TestSchematic [PASS] testMtsSerializeDeserialize - 0ms [PASS] testLuaTableSerialize - 0ms [PASS] testFileSerializeDeserialize - 0ms ======== Module TestSchematic passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestSerialization [PASS] testSerializeString - 0ms [PASS] testDeSerializeString - 0ms [PASS] testSerializeLongString - 0ms [PASS] testDeSerializeLongString - 0ms [PASS] testSerializeJsonString - 0ms [PASS] testStreamRead - 0ms [PASS] testStreamWrite - 0ms [PASS] testFloatFormat - 0ms ======== Module TestSerialization passed (0 failures / 8 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestServerShutdownState [PASS] testInit - 0ms [PASS] testReset - 0ms [PASS] testTrigger - 0ms 2023-04-12 16:12:25: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down [PASS] testTick - 503ms ======== Module TestServerShutdownState passed (0 failures / 4 tests) - 503ms ======== Testing module TestServerActiveObjectMgr [PASS] testFreeID - 0ms [PASS] testRegisterObject - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveObject - 0ms [PASS] testGetObjectsInsideRadius - 0ms [PASS] testGetAddedActiveObjectsAroundPos - 0ms ======== Module TestServerActiveObjectMgr passed (0 failures / 5 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestServerModManager [PASS] testCreation - 5ms [PASS] testIsConsistent - 3ms [PASS] testGetModsWrongDir - 0ms [PASS] testUnsatisfiedMods - 5ms [PASS] testGetMods - 4ms [PASS] testGetModspec - 4ms [PASS] testGetModNamesWrongDir - 0ms [PASS] testGetModNames - 3ms [PASS] testGetModMediaPathsWrongDir - 0ms [PASS] testGetModMediaPaths - 3ms ======== Module TestServerModManager passed (0 failures / 10 tests) - 28ms ======== Testing module TestSettings [PASS] testAllSettings - 0ms [PASS] testDefaults - 0ms [PASS] testFlagDesc - 0ms ======== Module TestSettings passed (0 failures / 3 tests) - 1ms ======== Testing module TestSocket [PASS] testIPv4Socket - 50ms [PASS] testIPv6Socket - 50ms ======== Module TestSocket passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 100ms ======== Testing module TestThreading [PASS] testStartStopWait - 383ms [PASS] testAtomicSemaphoreThread - 8ms ======== Module TestThreading passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 391ms ======== Testing module TestUtilities [PASS] testAngleWrapAround - 0ms [PASS] testWrapDegrees_0_360_v3f - 451ms [PASS] testLowercase - 0ms [PASS] testTrim - 0ms [PASS] testIsYes - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveStringEnd - 0ms [PASS] testUrlEncode - 0ms [PASS] testUrlDecode - 0ms [PASS] testPadString - 0ms [PASS] testStartsWith - 0ms [PASS] testStrEqual - 0ms [PASS] testStrToIntConversion - 0ms [PASS] testStringReplace - 0ms [PASS] testStringAllowed - 0ms [PASS] testAsciiPrintableHelper - 0ms [PASS] testUTF8 - 0ms [PASS] testRemoveEscapes - 0ms [PASS] testWrapRows - 0ms [PASS] testEnrichedString - 0ms [PASS] testIsNumber - 0ms [PASS] testIsPowerOfTwo - 0ms [PASS] testMyround - 0ms [PASS] testStringJoin - 0ms [PASS] testEulerConversion - 0ms [PASS] testBase64 - 0ms [PASS] testSanitizeDirName - 0ms ======== Module TestUtilities passed (0 failures / 26 tests) - 452ms ======== Testing module TestVoxelAlgorithms [PASS] testVoxelLineIterator - 0ms [PASS] testLighting - 36ms ======== Module TestVoxelAlgorithms passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 36ms ======== Testing module TestVoxelArea [PASS] test_addarea - 0ms [PASS] test_pad - 0ms [PASS] test_extent - 0ms [PASS] test_volume - 0ms [PASS] test_contains_voxelarea - 0ms [PASS] test_contains_point - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:142:78: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 12264918 * 1459 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_contains_i - 0ms [PASS] test_equal - 0ms [PASS] test_plus - 0ms [PASS] test_minor - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -20442400 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_xyz_all_pos - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -22834400 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_xyz_x_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -17940000 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_xyz_y_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_xyz_z_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -144495200 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_xyz_xy_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_xyz_xz_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_xyz_yz_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 11021600 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_xyz_all_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -20442400 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_v3s16_all_pos - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -22834400 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_v3s16_x_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -17940000 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_v3s16_y_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_v3s16_z_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -144495200 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_v3s16_xy_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_v3s16_xz_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_index_v3s16_yz_neg - 0ms $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/voxel.h:270:51: runtime error: signed integer overflow: 11021600 * -902 cannot be represented in type 'int' [PASS] test_index_v3s16_all_neg - 0ms [PASS] test_add_x - 0ms [PASS] test_add_y - 0ms [PASS] test_add_z - 0ms [PASS] test_add_p - 0ms ======== Module TestVoxelArea passed (0 failures / 30 tests) - 0ms ======== Testing module TestVoxelManipulator $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:21: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' $HOME/tmp/minetest/src/log.h:304:42: runtime error: member access within null pointer of type 'struct LogStream' [PASS] testVoxelArea - 0ms [PASS] testVoxelManipulator - 0ms ======== Module TestVoxelManipulator passed (0 failures / 2 tests) - 0ms ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unit Test Results: PASSED 0 / 41 failed modules (0 / 264 failed individual tests). Testing took 3538ms total. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # exited 0 0